Archive for the ‘life’ Category

I’ve Moved!

March 23, 2008

You can now find my blog (chock full of old blog posts as well) over at my new location –>

Remember to subscribe to my new feed (once I get it ready).  I promise, it will be up and ready shortly – but first, we must rescue my wedding ring from the pipes under the bathroom sink *sigh*

Damn Those Sinuses!

March 23, 2008

Yes, it appears that my ever loving husband has passed on his cold from SXSW.  *sigh*  And yes, it seems that my body decided to have a little fun with it. Yep, it sure seems like another sinus infection to me.  This just sucks.

First, I hate being sick.  Second, I just got over being sick for an entire damn month.  And third, I’ve got a crazy lot to do this week and was not expecting to hang out sleeping and lying about all week.

Of course, the hubs is saying that I didn’t get it from him *rolleyes*  Then again he feels so badly that I’m sick again that he’s offering me the moon!   Too cute.  I guess I’ll keep him after all 😉