It’s Party Time! WootWoot!

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

Welcome to my party, um the Ultimate Blog Party! I wish I could do something, amazing, but sadly, I’m still a little sick *sigh* So sadly, no cocktails from me. But I can offer you a tasty cuppa tea and some chocolate chip cookies if you’re so inclined. And well, party pro that I am, I won’t let something as a three week-long headcold slow me down! Just keep reading along as the days go on. My doc assures me I’ll be better in not time flat 😉

Let me tell you a little about myself…I’m one of the few non-moms participating. Well, actually, I am a mom, but to the four-legged kind of kids – my handsome tuxedo cat and my feisty little mutt. And as to be expected, both are well loved and some might even say, spoiled. I decided to participate in UBP because I thought it would be a great opportunity to find some new blogs and make some new bloggie friends.

I’m a 30-something, stay-at-home, work-from-home, wife in the greater Los Angeles area. I’m a former disk jockey and teacher (not at the same time) and I’m in the process of launching my own business (thanks to Ladies Who Launch), so I tend to talk about that. A lot. I’m an avid reader, though most of the time, I tend to forget to mention what I’m reading. We go to a lot of concerts and sometimes I get to take pictures. Other times, I get to meet the performers – though not always. I love to take pictures and up until recently, I was a regular participant in Wordless Wednesday.

Here are a couple of my favorites…

A  Pedicure & New FlipFlops - What More Could You Ask For?



My bloggie friend Geggie is doing 2 truths and a lie, so I thought I’d copy her play along also. Below you will find 4 true facts about me and 2 lies. It’s your job to guess which is which. Please share your thoughts in the comments. And now, a little more than you ever wanted to know about me…

    1. I’m great friends with my husband’s last ex-girlfriend.
    2. I’ve done phone sex to make a quick buck.
    3. I actually know some people that can take care of that for you (she says in euphemisms).
    4. I’ve partied with Bruce Springsteen.
    5. My husband I have invested in my best friend’s haunted, ghostie business.
    6. I’ve had a couple of my amateur photos published.

      So now I just need to find that Mr. Linky thing-a-ma-gig so I can get this show officially on the road. Keep reading along, I promise, I’m a cool chick.

      I look forward to meeting all of you!!

      ETA: Please feel free to stick around a while – I even have two good reasons to try and entice you…1) I’ll be posting the answers to my Two Truths & a Lie from above and 2) this blog really isn’t all that old and it wouldn’t take you all that long to poke around – maybe check out my Welcome! Welcome! for some more insight into this theory.


      UPDATE: You can find the answers to my 2 truths and a lie over here.  I’ll come back later today and check and see if anyone guessed correctly.  Now,  I must run…


      Did someone mention prizes??? It was hard to choose my favorites, but these seems super useful to me.

      I also think these are all fun-sounding as well: 20, 21, 36, 39, 41, 60, 67, 70, 91 – so difficult to chose.

      42 Responses to “It’s Party Time! WootWoot!”

      1. Susan (5 Minutes for Mom) Says:

        Hey Girl,
        Love the pictures!!! Those are the prettiest painted toes.
        And fun game idea… it’s hard to guess…
        Maybe the two lies are:
        I’m great friends with my husband’s last ex-girlfriend.
        I’ve done phone sex to make a quick buck.

        About the Mr. Linky… who do NOT need to put one on your post. You only need to sign your name to the Linky at

        Thanks for the great party… you’re the first one I’ve commented at so far.

        Party on!!!!

      2. hazel Says:

        My 37 year old baby sister is moving to L.A. (from KY)this month! I’m sure you’ll see her there! LOL
        I pick phone sex and friend’s biz!

      3. Robin Says:

        Great post. I love the game. And being an LA area gal myself, I’m thinking those could all be truths. lol However, I’ll guess people that can take care of that and Bruce Springsteen. (I was going to say the phone sex, but thought I’d be different from the guesses above.)

      4. Bluestocking Says:

        Thanks for stopping by. I will reviewing a book a day for the duration of the party.

      5. Susan Says:

        You know, just last night my daughter and I were wondering where on earth we could find “someone to take care of that for you”. Not that we need that particular service…we were just wondering how you find it if you DO need it! LOL (how’s that for an answer?)

      6. Geg Says:

        Twit! Where’s your linky?

        I think 3 and 6 are the lies.

      7. Riayn Says:

        For having a three week long head cold, you do throw a great party. I just love the photos you have up, especially the one of the wishing well with all those gorgeous wildflowers around it.
        Hope you are feeling better soon.

      8. acupofjoy Says:

        Come party with me!


        and here:

      9. Ellen Says:

        The photos are great. And hey, I was born in East L.A. mon, ohdahlei pwess. If you don’t understand me you must be from the west side! 🙂
        Oh and I’m happy to find a non-mom site! I’m a mom but my kids are adults and they aren’t all I think about now 🙂
        Have fun partying…

      10. Kwana Says:

        Sorry you’re under the wether but glad to have found your blog. I’ll say 1 and 4 are the lies but I’m totally guessing here.

      11. Katja Says:

        I can’t guess which is true, which is a lie! But what a fun game!
        Thanks for peeking into my blog today and happy partying!

      12. Dalyn Says:

        Cute toes…hopelessly addicted are you? I was too,that’s why I started making my own *U*
        Hick Chicks Soap Barn~ glad you listed my prize as one you would like to win. Very flattering from a true bath & Body product expert.

      13. kristin Says:

        You’re toes are adorable!

      14. Cherrye Says:

        OMG. ALL of those things sound like they could be FAKE!! Ha ha…can’t wait to hear the TRUTHS (you crazy gal).

        Party on.

        PS – are you addicted to Burts Bees like Geggie is?

      15. bleeding espresso Says:

        I think I’m afraid to guess which are lies…but I’ll go with 1 and 2. Because I read them first 😉

        Pleased to meetcha!

      16. Ivanhoe Says:

        It was very nice to meet you, hope you will get better soon. Thanks for the cup of tea. I think #2 & #5 are your lies…

      17. Miss Expatria Says:

        I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of looking at sunset pictures. I’ve been editing my own out of control picture collection recently, and I have, like, a kabillion of them.

      18. Rosie Says:

        Hey your site is great. So pleased I’ve discovered it. Hope you’re enjoying the party! Which 2 are the lies??!!

      19. Liz Says:

        Being sick, sucks – having a head cold for 3 weeks, sucks wet poodle – thank you so much for having me. Your toes look prettiful!

      20. RebeccaC Says:

        Nice to meet you! And what a fun way to host your party! Hmm. Y’know, it’s impossible for me to guess. I mean, I know that not everyone has a death wish for all their husbands’ ex-es, SOMEone has to answer the 900 numbers, in LA I would imagine that there are quite a few people who could take care of things for ya, partying with Bruce Springstein isn’t incredibly rare (my neighbor is a retired set designer and model…lots of stories!!!) AND your photos are really quite good, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you had been published several times. So, eenie meenie miney mo, I pick 2 and 3 as lies.

        Happy blog partying!!!

      21. CC Says:

        Hi there! I’m guessing 2 and 4 are the lies. Am I warm?

      22. danette Says:

        Hi LA Gal,
        It’s nice to meet you. You take beautiful pictures. I’m an avid reader too, can I ask what genre you read? I run a readers blog and talk about mostly romance. Stop by and check it out sometime. 🙂 Happy Blogfest!

        Hugs, Danette

      23. Natalie Says:

        I’m too scared to guess on your truths and lies…I’d hate to be wrong about any of them. Why did you stop Wordless Wednesday? Your photography is great!

      24. snpnmnmi Says:

        I’m going to say 1,3,5 and 6 are true… I LOVE the second picture.
        Party on!
        Tammy :):):)

      25. Cindy Says:

        Wow! Love dem toes. Happy partyin 🙂

      26. Barb Says:

        great photos…I love taking pictures too…but am not that great at it, but still love it.
        I love your game idea…
        I think the lies are: #3 and #6

        I look forward to learning more about you…. great blog

      27. Michelle Says:

        Great party. Truths and lies – who knows – maybe 2 and 5 but they all sound interesting. Thanks for hosting.

      28. Kelly Rigby@ SHE-POWER Says:

        Hi there cool chick

        Cute toes and love the sunset shot. My guesses for the 2 lies are:

        My husband I have invested in my best friend’s haunted, ghostie business


        I’ve partied with Bruce Springsteen

        I’m actually kinda hoping you did phone sex work once and are friends with your hubby’s ex because that would make you very interesting and I think we’d get on great!

        Off to check out the rest of your blog now.
        🙂 Kelly

      29. Beatriz Says:

        I used to live in OC… I know, I know, that is NOT LA! I love LA though, and spent much of my time there… I am blog hopping in a frenzy as I have signed up for the party late. #1 is the lie????
        Have fun with the party and stop by mine if you have time.

      30. Elaine Says:

        OH, Los Angeles, how I do LOVE to visit. My husband used to live their in his teens and his best friend is still in the Long Beach area. It’s so beautiful out there…

        Anyway, I think #2 & #5 are little white lies, but only YOU KNOW! When will you tell us the answer??

        Have fun partying!!

      31. Quirky Says:

        Hello from a fellow non-mom! (At least no HUMAN children anyway!) Love your photos! I’m guessing the lies are #2 and #3, but who knows? I’ll be back later to read more in-depth!


      32. Shauna Says:

        Great party! Hope you are feeling better!!!!!!! Have a great Monday!

      33. me & my puppies Says:

        Hey thanks for stopping by sorry I just could not get out of the hot tub. But, now that I have a minute, I ran over to catch up. My better half is a “on-air personality” and we frequent concerts. Just partied with George Strait! Put the kettle on for a cuppa tea, I brought my Earl Grey with me, and let me grab a few of the chocolate chip cookies. We can sit and chat for a bit.

      34. Terri H Says:

        Ok, my guesses are #3 and 5. You live in LA. Anything is normal while nothing is normal at the same time.

        Have fun!

      35. Ami Says:

        Great party! I’ll be back to read more. And you’re not alone–I’m not a mommy (yet) either. Stop by and say hello if you get a chance. I’ve to about…1100 more blogs to check out before the party’s over!!!

      36. Karen MEG (Pomtini) Says:

        You take great photos! Great intro post, BTW.
        Let’s see, I think # 2 and #4 are fake… but those are totall shots in the dark!

        Drop by my blog if you get a chance… although my most recent post is fairly momcentric (part of a carnival) I don’t always blog about kids and boobs.

      37. laura Says:

        I love the title of your post… boopity boop!

        Go blog party!!

      38. Debz Says:

        Cute toes! Great post! Hope your enjoying the party! I’ve been meeting tons of new people! Hope to try to visit at least half of them before Friday! You never know when you may meet a forever friend. Pop by for a visit if you get a chance! Enjoy your day!

      39. Gina Says:

        Nice to meet you. Love the picture of the well.

      40. Sandy Says:

        Love your photos! I’m also love photography and am mommy to some kitties. 🙂

      41. Scrapping Servant Says:

        Yay, very real info for me just meeting you, but nice anyway. Welcome to the party, even though we are coming to the end. Hopefully I will see you again soon.

      42. Nancy Says:

        Sorry I missed the party – but hope you’ll check out our site and the Mother’s Day contest we have going.

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